Membicarakan kondisi sosial Malaysia kontemporer sebetulnya tak jauh-jauh dari hal yang sering kita temui di Indonesia: perihal realita logis dengan pengalaman mistis/surealis, sentimen rasisme terhadap Tionghoa, serta isu anti komunis.
Tiga film dalam segmen ini mengelaborasi seluruh topik bahasan di atas lantas membungkusnya dengan kemasan estetik mumpuni. Bunohan menunjukkan bahwa lingkungan keras dapat mengamplifikasi budaya koruptif yang beririsan bersama alegori tak kasat mata. The Big Durian menyuguhkan butterfly effect: insiden minor memicu ketegangan etnis Melayu dan Tionghoa, ketidakpuasan terhadap kesultanan, sampai tindakan otoriter pemerintah. The Last Communist sendiri tak menampilkan sang figur komunis terakhir, melainkan mengkritisi situasi sosial politik Malaysia lewat bantuan monolog acak serta ‘karaoke’.
The contemporary social condition in Malaysia is not actually far from ours in Indonesia: the issue of logical reality clashes with mystical/surrealistic experience, racist sentiments towards the Chinese ethnic group, and anti-communism.
The three films in this segment are elaborating the scope of these topics, wrapped in notable aesthetics. Bunohan points out a thesis that a violent environment can amplify a corrupt culture, contained in not-so-visible allegories. The Big Durian presents a butterfly effect: a minor incident creates ethnical tension between the Malay and the Chinese groups, dissatisfaction towards the Sultanate, developed into authoritarian action from the government. The Last Communist criticizes the social politics of Malaysia through random monologues and karaoke scenes, while ironically omits the presence of the last-communist-figure.
Juru Program