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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

Minggu, 12 NOV, 19:30 Kamis, 16 NOV, 17:00

DONASI Rp20.000


Di ruangannya yang terpencil di antara timbunan arsip foto majalah LIFE, Walter Mitty bagaikan sekeping roda gigi yang tak berarti. Ia lalu membenamkan diri dalam lamunan dan khayalan akan hidup yang lebih menarik. Ironisnya, majalah tempat ia bekerja menawarkan petualangan. Di tengah proses transisi yang menyakitkan di tempat kerjanya, sebuah klise foto yang hilang mengantarkan Walter Mitty untuk bangkit menjalani hidup sepenuhnya.

Film yang disutradarai Ben Stiller ini merupakan remake dari film berjudul sama tahun 1947 yang intinya sama: keberanian untuk bangkit dari lamunan dan menjalani hidup dengan lebih semarak. Versi 2013 ini berhasil pula menyisipkan konteks menarik, yaitu perpindahan media dari cetak ke daring berikut dengan segala konsekuensinya, termasuk terhadap kehidupan pribadi para penggiatnya, yang peran sesungguhnya lebih dari sekeping roda gigi tadi.


Walter Mitty (Ben Stiller) spends day-after-day in his tiny office at LIFE magazine, organizing the photos to be published. To 'escape' his reality, he often daydreams that his life is more exciting that it actually is. (Un)fortunately, a master-piece to be included in their final edition has gone missing. As it is his responsibility, Mitty is determined to recover this particular photo. (Un)expectedly, this journey forces him to get out of his head from the clouds and live those dreams.

Based on a short story written by James Thurber back in 1939, this film is a remake of a 1947 film of the same title. Both films essentially had the same message: the courage to get of your comfort zone and live your life fully. This 2013 version also succeeds in incorporating the consequences of the growth of online media and its effect on the lifes of the people who work in the media industry.

Sutradara Ben Stiller | Pemeran Ben Stiller, Kristen Wiig, Sean Penn | Tahun 2013 | Durasi 114 menit | Jenis Fiksi | Negara Amerika Serikat, Inggris | Bahasa Inggris, Spanyol, Islandia | Subteks Bahasa Inggris | Format Digital | Klasifikasi Usia 15+


As a director, this feels like Stiller’s moment. Mitty is a film that bravely rejects cynicism.

In many ways, it’s the new Forrest Gump. Go with it and it is, in all senses, wonderful.

So much of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is meant as inspirational – the purposeful,

slow-motion shots of people running, the resonant rock music, the mountain vistas –

that it might leave you feeling inspired into submission.


  • Pemenang | Best Music, Golden Trailer Awards 2014, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat

  • Pemenang | Best Original Score for a Comedy Film (Theodore Shapiro), International Film Music Critics Award (IFMCA) 2013, Krakow, Polandia

  • Pemenang | Best Audio/Visual Technique, Key Art Awards 2013, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat

  • Pemenang | Outstanding Feature Film, Location Managers Guild Awards (LMGA) 2014, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat

  • Nomine | Best Fantasy Award, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films 2014, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat

  • Nomine | Best Actor, Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy & Horror Films 2014, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat

  • Nomine | Best Comedy, AARP Movies for Grownups Awards 2014, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat

  • Nomine | Best Comedy Actress, American Comedy Awards 2014, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat

  • Nomine | Excellence in Contemporary Film, Costume Designers Guild Awards 2014, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat

  • Nomine | Best Original Song, Georgia Film Critics Association 2014, Georgia, Amerika Serikat

  • Nomine | Best Foreign Comedy of The Year, Russian National Movie Awards 2015, Moskow, Rusia


  • In Competition | New York Film Festival 2013, New York, Amerika Serikat


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Taman Ismail Marzuki

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