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The Parade // Parada

Jumat, 10 NOV, 19:30 Sabtu, 18 NOV, 17:00

DONASI Rp20.000


Sebagai veteran perang sekaligus gangster di Serbia, sudah pasti Limun tidak akan menoleransi keberadaan kaum LGBT. Di sisi lain, Mirko adalah seorang gay yang ingin mengadakan parade kaum LGBT di kota Beograd. Hidup mereka bersilangan ketika situasi menjepit Limun: tunangan tercintanya Biserka hanya bisa dia dapatkan asalkan dia membantu mengawal parade. Maka pontang-pantinglah Limun mencari cara dan teman untuk melakukan itu, karena tidak ada yang mau membantu kaum LGBT. Sudahlah Limun sendiri tidak lantas menyukai LGBT, ia bahkan harus mencari bantuan dari musuh-musuhnya, yaitu para veteran perang dari Bosnia dan Kroasia. Tapi, bukankah Limun melakukan ini demi cinta. Jadi, mestinya “love wins”, bukan?

Masyarakat Serbia tidak dikenal sebagai masyarakat yang ramah terhadap LGBT. Maka keputusan sutradara Srdjan Dragojević untuk membuat film ini sudah kontroversial sejak awal, sehingga bahkan pengambilan gambar harus dilakukan di luar kota Beograd. Meskipun begitu, film ini sukses menembus box-office di Serbia, Kroasia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, dan Montenegro. The Parade diputar pada seksi Panorama di Berlin International Film Festival 2012. Film ini meraih Audience Award, menerima Special Mention dari Ecumenical Jury (juri perwakilan dari asosiasi gereja Kristen & Katolik), dan memenangkan sebuah penghargaan dari Reader Jury di Berlinale—serta hampir 20 penghargaan lainnya dari berbagai festival film internasional di seluruh Eropa.


THE PARADE, in a tragicomic way, tells the story about the ongoing battle between two worlds in contemporary post-war Serbian society: the traditional, oppressive, homophobic majority and the liberal, modern and open-minded minority.

The shooting of his loyal and die-hard bulldog, brings the ex-army thug Limun to meet Radmilo (Milos Samolov), a gay peace-loving veterinarian. On another side of town, Mirko (Goran Jevtic) is giving advise to Limun’s fiancée for her wedding. Through a series of unexpected events, Limun is blackmailed into offering security and protection for an upcoming gay pride parade from the anticipated thousands of gay-bashers in Belgrade. For this near-suicide mission, Limun recruits his fellow war buddies from Bosnia and Croatia and confronts his own prejudices towards the minority group.

Despite its controversial subject, the film reached a box-office in Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro. THE PARADE was screened in the Panorama section of the Berlin Film Festival 2012. It received the Audience Award, accepted the Special Mention by the Ecumenical Jury, and won an award from the Reader Jury of the “Siegessäule” in Berlinale – and almost 20 other awards from international film festivals across Europe.

Sutradara Srdjan Dragojevic | Pemeran Nikola Kojo, Milos Samolov, Hristina Popovic | Tahun 2011 | Durasi 115 menit | Jenis Fiksi | Negara Serbia, Slovenia, Kroasia, Prancis, Republik Masedonia, Inggris | Bahasa Serbia | Subteks Bahasa Inggris | Format Digital | Klasifikasi Usia 18+


Parada (The Parade), written and directed by Srđan Dragojević, isn't a solemn arthouse lecture;

it's a cheeky, crowdpleasing comedy about a former Serbian para

who gets a job providing security at Pride.

Srđjan Dragojevic directs with a good deal of intelligence, and is very much aware that his unsubtle characters offer an entertaining look at the culture clash between brutal Balkan machismo and a gay community that suffers violent attacks with little support or assistance from the authorities.

Laugh-out-loud funny, brilliantly acted and, towards the very end, also deeply moving,

the film deserves all the attention [...] Production values are top-notch,

with Dusan Joksimovic delivering crisp and colorful images

of a city still scarred by war and Igor Perovic’s score moving the action along rather nicely

and keeping the more dramatic moments from becoming too dark.


  • Pemenang | Panorama Audience Award, Berlin International Film Festival 2012, Berlin, Jerman

  • Special Mention | Prize of the Ecumenical Jury, Berlin International Film Festival 2012, Berlin, Jerman

  • Pemenang | Reader Jury of the "Siegessäule", Berlin International Film Festival 2012, Berlin, Jerman

  • Pemenang | Golden Arena, Pula Film Festival 2012, Pula, Kroasia

  • Pemenang | Jury Award for Best Director (Srdjan Dragojevic), Tirana International Film Festival 2012, Tirana, Albania

  • Pemenang | Jury Award for Best Editing (Petar Markovic), Tirana International Film Festival 2012, Tirana, Albania


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