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Banda the Dark Forgotten Trail

Minggu, 15 APR, 19:30

Senin, 23 APR, 17:00

Donasi Rp20.000


Di abad pertengahan, segenggam pala di pasar Eropa dianggap lebih berharga dari sepeti emas. Perseteruan bangsa-bangsa terjadi akibat rempah-rempah. Kepulauan Banda yang saat itu menjadi satu-satunya tempat pohon-pohon pala tumbuh menjadi kawasan yang paling diperebutkan. Belanda bahkan rela melepas Nieuw Amsterdam (Mannhatan, New York) agar bisa mengusir Inggris dari kepulauan tersebut. Pembantaian massal dan perbudakan pertama di Nusantara terjadi di Kepulauan Banda. Di sana pula, sebuah semangat kebangsaan dan identitas multikultural lahir menjadi warisan sejarah dunia. Sayangnya, pembunuhan-pembunuhan di era kolonial itu, bukan menjadi yang terakhir bagi Banda.

During the age of exploration, a handful of nutmeg was worth more than gold in the European market. Nations went to war for it. The Isle of Banda, the sole place on earth growing nutmeg naturally, became a hotspot for global economic warfare. The Dutch were even willing to let go their possession of Manhattan in order to shoo the English away from the archipelago. Then the first genocide and slavery purported by foreigners were happened there, in Banda. But it was there also, a spirit of nation and multicultural identity was born to become a world heritage. Unfortunately, the tragedy of colonial-era killings, were not the last killings Banda has yet to see.

Sutradara Jay Subiakto | Tahun 2017 | Durasi 94 menit | Jenis Dokumenter | Negara Indonesia | Bahasa Indonesia | Format Digital | Klasifikasi Usia 15+


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