Senin, 13 NOV, 17:00 Minggu, 19 NOV, 19:30
Ariane Felder adalah seorang hakim penyelidik tanpa kompromi, dan dengan bangganya tetap single. Lewat sebuah pesta tahun baru yang tak terencana, ia mendapati dirinya hamil akibat satu kali “pertemuan”. Repotnya, ia kemudian mendapati bahwa yang menghamilinya adalah Bob, seorang pencuri yang sedang berstatus tersangka, dan sedang dituduh melakukan kejahatan yang melebihi kapasitasnya. Ariane pun dipaksa memilih antara reputasi dan integritasnya sebagai hakim penyelidik, ketika Bob memohon —lebih tepatnya memeras— untuk membelanya dari kejahatan yang ia klaim tidak ia lakukan.
9-Month Stretch terinspirasi dari sebuah dokumenter yang mendalami kerja “hakim penyelidik”, sebuah posisi yang khas dalam sistem hukum Perancis. Sutradara Albert Dupontel, yang juga berperan sebagai Bob, membungkusnya dalam gaya visual ala Amelie dengan sekian dosis komedi miris.
Ariane Felder (Sandrine Kimberlain) is a 40 year old judge. For 15 years she spends 10 to 15 hours working at the high court in France. Growing up in a dysfunctional family situation drives her to abandon the idea of having a family, or even an intimate relationship. It all changes when she gets dragged into a New Year party and and finds herself pregnant without a clear recollection of what happened that night.
Unlike any other Hollywood comedies that usually convey comedies from the witty dialogue between characters, 9-MONTH STRETCH uses cinematography from a visual standpoint. This crowd-pleasing black comedy gains the attention of over 17 million audience in its homeland country and won numerous award such as César Awards (French version of the Oscars) for Best actress and Best Original Screenplay.
Sutradara Albert Dupontel | Pemeran Albert Dupontel, Sandrine Kiberlain, Nicolas Marié | Tahun 2013 | Durasi 82 menit | Jenis Fiksi | Negara Prancis | Bahasa Prancis | Subteks Bahasa Inggris | Format Digital | Klasifikasi Usia 15+
There are three kinds of funny - ha ha, peculiar and smart. And then there's another - French.
9 Month Stretch doubles up with smart and French, which is the winning ticket. [...]
The stage is set for something extraordinary, intelligent and so unexpected
you can do nothing but sit in a haze of expectation, waiting for the fun to ferment, which it does.
The result is intoxicating.
9-Month Stretch is a heavily-stylised film, surprising for a broad comedy.
Drenched in reds and oranges, it has a busy perspective on its principals –
whom the camera rarely tackles head-on. Shots are skewed with diagonals,
the frame is mostly at an angle, and often cinematographer Vincent Mathias
circles his subjects, aiming for an off-kilter approach to match the events onscreen.
Director Albert Dupontel has created a monster. A half-crazed, laugh-inducing,
moderately blood-stained monster of a movie that will possess you for a near hour and a half.
Weird and completely wonderful, 9 Month Stretch is a film with no limits and no pause button.
It’s total subtitled genius.
Pemenang | Best Actrees (Sandrine Kiberlain), Cesar Awards 2014, Paris, Prancis
Pemenang | Best Original Screenplay (Alber Dupontel), Cesar Awards 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Actor, Cesar Awards 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Editing, Cesar Awards 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Director (Albert Dupontel), César Awards 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Film, César Awards 2014, Paris, Prancis
Pemenang | Best Film, Globes de Cristal Awards 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Actor (Albert Dupontel), Globes de Cristal Awards 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Actrees (Sandrine Kiberlain), Globes de Cristal Awards 2014, Paris, Prancis
Pemenang | Best Screenplay, Étoiles d'Or 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Film, Lumiere Award 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Actrees (Sandrine Kiberlain), Lumiere Award 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Director (Albert Dupontel), Lumiere Award 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Screenplay (Albert Dupontel & Laurent Turner), Lumiere Award 2014, Paris, Prancis
Nomine | Best Film, Prix Louis Delluc 2013, Cannes, Prancis
Official Selection | Festival du Film Francophone 2013, Charente, Prancis
Official Selection | Festival du Film Français d'Helvétie 2013, Bienne, Prancis
Official Selection | Donostia-San Sebastian International Film Festival 2013, San Sebastian, Spanyol